Sunday, January 27

More about the sex industry...

I'm, ashamedly, not much of a reader as of late.

Too much required reading + too many years of school = One outread actress.

However, I decided to pick up Diablo Cody's "Candy Girl," because I loved her screenplay and - well - it's about a stripper. And that's just rad.
I finished it in 3 days. And it only took me that long because I had other shit I *should* have been doing.

The book is like a pop-culture bible for the sex industry. She tells a fascinating story of going from being a completely "normal" girl, with no dangerous or revolting past, no history of perverted uncles, no absent parents, nor any other precursor for stripper life. She simply decided it sounded interesting and became engulfed in the life for a year, all the while remaining in a devote and healthy relationship with a man who completely supported her.

It's not going to win a Nobel Prize, but she's damn funny and very insightful.

Fucking awesome read. Go buy.

(and no, I'm not going to go become a stripper now. Nor am I a "porn star," thank you very much.)


Anonymous said...

I can borrow yours, right?

SuburbanActress said...

of course!