Sunday, January 27

Everyone thinks they're going to become famous...

And, basically, no one will.


The lucky few are picked from the internet like ripe fruit, leaving the rest to rot in their blogs. They're all out there, clacking away on their keyboards, possibly taking off their clothes, taking pictures of themselves with their arms stretched out in front of them, and making up ubercool alterego names that completely ignore their upright, effortless backgrounds.

One makes a movie. One becomes a comedian. One becomes a temporary phenomenon. One sells a book.

And the rest are all out there, clamoring for their spot on youtube and becoming "friends" with eighteen billion strangers on myspace.

And it's not that a lot of them don't deserve attention. But isn't it funny that the ones who actually get it aren't always the most deserving? It's like some big boss-type Internet God sits on his throne, drolling away on his computer choosing them. It's like gigantic career-altering wheel of fortune, spinning a wheel of 5 million blogs until he lands on the lucky now-famous one, calls them up and says, "Pack up your shitty gym bag and quit your desk job, you're going to Hollywood!" Where they proceed to divorce their supportive spouse, run off with a hooker, and do blow until they completely expel all of their non-talent. After that, where do they go? Is there some retiree home for them? If so, does Tay Zonaday run it, staffed by the dramatic squirrel, Tila Tequilla, and Jeffree Star? Does VH1 have a celluloid-shit special about them, discussing the possibility of a comeback on facebook and otherwise uncovering their life after they blew all their money on an MTV "crib," and went bankrupt in sync with the rest of the world remembering that they're not interested? I digress.

Am I different? Possibly. I don't *actually* believe I'll ever be formally famous. I'll be remembered by a few teenagers for teaching them how to write a paragraph properly or for being a mentor in a tough time. I'll never sell a book, never write a memoir, never type a prized screenplay. But I'm still out here in the abyss. At least I don't care if anyone's reading along, following the proverbial bouncing ball or whatnot.


Anonymous said...

nice,you have many valid points.I'm not against people having aspirations but many have a naively misplaced confidence in their so called talents or abilities,and their endeavors or superficial efforts to succeed end up being nothing more than a waste of time and resources.Time that perhaps could have been spent developing skills or abilities with a more practical use,in short the world just doesn't function or run on celebrities alone.Better to be an educated well rounded human being than a half assed,wanna-be,poser/walking parody.